With the average cost of a wedding exceeding $25,000, excluding the honeymoon, more Americans are choosing affordable financing with unsecured personal loans.

Wedding Loan Rates

With WeddingLender, you can finance the cost of your wedding with low interest rates and fixed monthly payments. We offer access to consumer loans with fixed rates - starting from 5.99% APR - and flexible repayment terms of up to 5 years.

Wedding loans are available up to $35,000 which you can use at your own discretion to pay for any wedding related expense. Upon approval of your loan application, you can often have the funds in your checking account in as little as 2 business days.

When you apply for a loan with WeddingLender, you can see your interest rate before accepting the loan offer - without a hard inquiry to your credit report. It's free to check, so, get started and see what financial options may be open to you!

Ready to finance your wedding?
Doesn't hurt credit score
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WeddingLender Financial Services:

Wedding expenses can be difficult to track, but our loans can finance the catering, dresses, entertainment, travel, venue rental - and more. In addition to standard wedding loans, WeddingLender offers engagement ring loans, honeymoon loans, and even baby & adoption loans to give couples the opportunity to refinance.

Applying for any WeddingLender loan can allow you to pay for all your wedding bills from one source. No credit card juggling, no early repayment penalties, and your interest rate will never change. Learn about the loan interest rates or use our simple loan payment calculator to estimate total cost and monthly payments.

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